Monday, December 28, 2015

Xming and Putty confirguration for X11

Install Xming Server:

Install Putty:

Install X11 packages on  Linux:

root> yum install xauth

root>yum install xorg-x11-apps.x86_64

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Renaming Composite and BPEL process

Renaming Composite:

Renaming BPEL Process:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Purging Queue/Topic messages

Purging Queue/Topic messages.
1.Find out stuck messages are reside on which JMS server
2.Go to that JMS server->monitoring->Active Destinations.
3.Select JMSserver@Queue/Topic
4.Click Consumption and Pause
5.Go to the Queue/Topic Message and delete

6.Resume consumption for that JMSserver@Queue/Topic