Create a M3-Large instance on AWS -EC2:
Create m3 large instance for SOA installation on AWS -EC2.
1. Choose Static Elastic IP. So that you do not loose IP when server is restarted.
2. Save the KeyPair on local Machine. Use PuttyGen to create the PPK file.
3. Use Putty to login to the terminal using the PPK.
a. Hostname: Public DNS name from AWS console.
b. Port : 22 for ssh.
c. Putty-> connection -> ssh -> Auth -> Browse for PPK file.
4. Default username used to login to AWS Instance is 'ec2-user'.
root> vi /etc/sysconfig/network
Change Hostname to Fully Qualified name.
Change HOSTName on AWS EC2 Linux:
root> vi /etc/sysconfig/network
Change Hostname to Fully Qualified name.
Direct your custom hostname to AWS Public IP:
Create the A Record in your DNS control pointing to AWS PUBLIC IP.
Create User:
From Root user:
ec2-user> sudo useradd oracle
ec2-user> sudo su - oracle
oracle> mkdir .ssh
oracle> chmod 700 .ssh
oracle> touch .ssh/authorized_keys
oracle> chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
oracle> vi .ssh/authrized_keys
Paste the public key here.
P.S: PuttyGEN is used to dispaly the public key
Now login to terminal using the new user 'oracle'.
To Delete a user:
userdel -r oracle
To allow Remote access to User:
su - oracle
mkdir .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
touch .ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
Run YUM Update:
root> yum update
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